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Program Guidelines

A few simple things for you and your student(s) to follow in order to receive the full benefits of our program:



Portfolio Submissions


Student progress is recorded in the Student Portfolio as the student participates in activities

that meet specific skills. Portfolio submissions are required at least twice per month.

See Student Portfolio for more details.





Teachers are here to celebrate your accomplishments and support your family with learning. It is essential that you maintain regular communication with them as part of the program requirements. Teachers provide tools and resources that can enrich your homeschooling. They are available to answer questions and help with progress reports. They love to hear about what you are learning, and will make verbal contact with you at least monthly.





State* assessments are required of all students in order to receive the full benefits of our program. Students grades K-3 are given a reading assessment via online chat in the Fall and Spring. Grades 3-8 take a standards achievement test in the Spring at a testing location near you. Teachers will offer tools and resources including practice and interim tests that can help you and your student(s) feel more comfortable with assessments. 




*Additional information on Idaho assessments can be found here and through your teacher.

Idaho Reading Indicator (IRI)

Idaho Standards Achievement Test

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